What uses does hemp have and which ones do you think will set the production trend?

Hemp is considered one of the most versatile crops in agricultural economy due to its multiple industrial applications and great potential for comprehensive utilization. Despite historical stigmatization and misinformation regarding hemp, in recent years, the resurgence of cultivation on a global scale is generating renewed interest in research and development as a sustainable and renewable resource. This phenomenon is driving the revival of traditional uses and the creation of new applications in various sectors.

From its seeds to its flowers and roots, each part of the plant has significant value in different industries and applications. The seeds and their derivates, such as oil, milk, and flour, are renowned for their exceptional nutritional value. Furthermore, these products have great potential in the food industry, cosmetics, and as ingredients in animal feed.

On the other hand, hemp stalks are an invaluable source of fiber, which has been used for centuries in the manufacturing of textiles such as clothing and ropes. But its utility doesn`t stop there. Thanks to its strength and durability, hemp stalks are also employed in construction, forming the basis of numerous biomaterials such as cement, composites, or insulation. Additionally, their high cellulose content makes them an excellent raw material for paper production and bioplastics, the latter being applied in various industries, including automotive and aerospace.

Another important aspect is the utilization of hemp leaves, which have high nutritional value and are predominantly used in infusions. They are also useful in composting and as bedding for animals.

Finally, hemp flowers and roots are highly valued for their phytotherapeutic properties. Their extracts are used in a wide range of medicinal, food, and cosmetic products, highlighting their potential in the field of health and wellness.

Given the current dynamics, the sectors that will set the trend in the coming years will be those that achieve the comprehensive use of the crop as a source of renewable and sustainable raw materials, developing new innovative applications.