Endocannabinoid system -Manuel Guzmán Pastor Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Complutense University of Madrid
Can you explain briefly what is the biological function of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body, what is its therapeutic importance, and how does it differ from one person to another? Endocannabinoid system Over the last three decades we have...
What is the difference between GACP and GMP?
Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the cannabis sector are essential regulatory standards ensuring the quality, safety, and consistency of medicinal cannabis. GACP focuses on cultivation, harvesting, and primary...
Pelvic pain is any type of pain that is located in the pelvic area, which lies between the navel and the hips. This condition is particularly common in women and can occur acutely or chronically.Often, women do not give it the importance it deserves due to the fast...
Dr. Céline Nicole-de Groot Founder & CEO Continuums
What do you consider to be the highlights or key points of the research you have developed as an expert in cannabis and technical horticulture? The role of LED light intensity and spectra in each of the various growth phases of Cannabis. I began my research on...
Cannabinoids in cancer: Cannabis effects
Interest in alternative treatments, such as cannabis for cancer, has grown significantly in recent years. More patients are seeking options to complement or enhance conventional therapies. In this context, Agropharm, a leader in building horticulture projects aiming...
Health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids
In recent years, cannabis and its derived cannabinoids have gained significant traction, revolutionizing the medical and wellness sectors. These natural compounds, sourced from the cannabis plant, are lauded for their potential therapeutic applications, ranging from...
Larissa Mößmer, Regulatory Lawyer, Osborne Clarke
What is the current situation of the medical cannabis industry and the recreational cannabis industry in Germany, and what can we expect after the elections in February 2025? Current State of the German Cannabis Industry and Outlook After the 2025 Elections The...
RELIEF FROM CANCER TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS Studies suggest that cannabis and its active components, cannabinoids (mainly THC and CBD), can help mitigate some of the most common side effects of cancer treatment: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: THC has shown...
Manuel Salces, CEO of Natural Systems
How will the growth of urban agriculture impact the demand for specialized products in technical horticulture? Urban agriculture will play a crucial role in the food security of future cities. Its development will be driven by the need for sustainability,...
Roger Adams (1889-1971) Prominent American chemist, left a lasting legacy in cannabis research. In the 1940s, Adams and his team achieved a notable milestone by identifying and structuring for the first time cannabidiol (CBD), a key component of cannabis with...
Rebecca Allen Tapp, Product Manager at Paralab Green, part of Paralab SA
What factors should be considered when selecting an extraction method for medicinal products and what are their main differences? When choosing an extraction method for cannabis-based pharmaceutical products, it’s crucial to have a clear vision of your goals. Start by...
The term "novel food" refers to those foods that have not been significantly consumed in the European Union before May 15, 1997, the date on which the first European regulation on novel foods came into effect. These foods may include novel ingredients, products...