The “munchies” are a common side effect of cannabis consumption, especially when ingested orally or smoked. It is characterized by an increase in appetite and a strong desire to eat food, often high in calories and carbohydrates.

Cannabinoids, especially THC, affect the part of the brain that controls hunger, and also enhance senses such as smell and taste.


They trick the brain

Humans have neurons called pro-opiomelanocortins (POMC) that are responsible for releasing signals of satiety when we have eaten enough, and they are also related to sexual stimulation.

The presence of cannabinoids stimulates the cannabinoid receptor we have in the brain (CB1), altering the POMC neurons, causing them to send signals of hunger instead of signals of satiety.


It heightens the senses

Cannabinoids can also affect the areas of the brain responsible for sensory perception, making food seem tastier or more appealing than usual.

When consuming cannabis, it heightens the sense of smell, triggering an increase in appetite, making food always more appealing; moreover, it amplifies the sense of taste, making all flavors more intense.

Cannabinoids elevate the level of dopamine in our brains and eating something enjoyable as well, thereby boosting happiness (temporarily)


Medical use

Research has shown that this phenomenon can also have medical implications especially in patients with appetite disorders or undergoing chemotherapy treatments, where cannabis can help stimulate appetite and combat weight loss.

It is important to remember that each person responds differently, and excessive consumption can have negative health consequences.


*NOTE: Our information is based on scientific studies or outreach; if you are considering using cannabis, please consult with a specialized medical professional.